Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Isaac Newton Was the 17th Century Version of Regina George?

So my physics teachers isn't known to be the most "jolly" of teachers, but he can still be a very humorous man sometimes. That sentence is unrelated to the rest of this post; it just needed to be stated. Anyway, in aforementioned teacher's class, we were watching a video on Isaac Newton; mainly because it's a physics class, but secondly because his birthday (the 25th of December) obviously eclipses Christmas in the hearts of us teenagers. Makes perfect sense. After watching the very enlightening movie about the man who is single-handedly ruining my physics grade, our teacher showed us a PowerPoint to prepare us on the test we were to have on the Newt the next day. While he was telling us about Newton and Thomas Hooke's relationship, I noticed an eerie parallel between their lives and the much-loved movie "Mean Girls". Okay, so, even in the movie that we watched, these two famous scientists were described as each others' "arch-nemesis". This is from Hooke accusing Newton of stealing his ideas for use in Newton's most famous work: Principia. Now, in Newton's original work, he had accredited all the ideas that Hooke had thought up to him, but with Hooke's accusation, he decided to literally cross-out any mention of Hooke's name-all while snapping his hand in a Z-Formation. Now quick show of hands: who here has ever felt personally victimized by Isaac Newton? Leibniz's (another popular scientist at the time) hand was most definitely raised as he was accused of kissing Aaron on the mou-I mean Newton accused him of plagiarizing his work on Calculus. Honestly, I wouldn't care, because in my opinion, when it comes to math, it's a lot like Fall Out Boy lyrics: we could both be right, but we could both be incredibly wrong. But apparently Leibniz did not share my nonchalant view on mathematics, as he later died of a heart-attack after this incident; to which Newton responded that he "enjoyed breaking Leibniz's heart". Honestly, you could have just hit him with a bus and won homecoming queen, and had been done with it. After I made my opinion on this matter known in class, some people were quite surprised and amused at this... but I wasn't. I knew from the start that Newton wasn't going to be the Queen Bee. I mean just look at his flowing hair. If that doesn't say homecoming queen I don't know what does.

This was one of his more dramatic senior photos.

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