Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How do you obtain anything worth having?

An interesting and important question.  But I think that to answer this question, we must first ask another: What is worth having? Money, power, love? All three of these things are fickle, and change hands quickly. One might be  a millionaire one day, a poor man the next. One day a king, the next a corpse. One day husband, the next an adulterer. So are any of these things, or any thing for that matter, worth having? Maybe, maybe not.

Now, how to obtain something worth having, like most things in life, you must work for it. Any thing worth having will never simply come over night. Even a sudden blossom of love doesn't; the seed of love must be tended to and cared for before it may be able to bloom. Also, when one is on a journey to obtaining something with significant worth, they seem to lose other important things along the way. That again begs the question: what is worth having? One might have thought that those things might have had plenty worth, but if they were lost then maybe they weren't. Maybe it's a temporary sacrifice, perhaps you'll earn back what you lost at a later point. But some things can never be regained once lost.

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