Friday, March 15, 2013

A learning writer's quandry

Okay, okay, so I really, really, REALLY hate being told how to write something. Or to not being a sentence with a conjunction. Because I will do that all I like, thank you very much. It just really irks me when people tell me how to write. A lot of English teachers tell their students that there is only one way to write if you wish to write well. And it bugs me because that's nOT TRUE AT ALL. Write which ever way that pleases you and the way that you think most brings out what you're trying to convey. I mean, all the great authors barely adhered to these silly, superfluous rules. And that's what usually makes their work so good. Like, I've had to edit some people's papers over the years and they know that I'm an adequately good writer, so they expect me to just write their paper for them???? Like, I will edit and help you as best as I can but I'm not writing the paper for you. Like, when a sentence or part of a sentence is awkward or doesn't sound right I'll put "Rephrase" and then maybe put a suggestion if I can think of one in like 10 seconds. But then they're always like "Y DID YOU NOT JUST GIVE ME NEW SENTENCE?!!?!?" and it's just like "b/c i really don't know what u want/how you write." It bothers me, I'm sorry.  I don't know, people should just always be able to do what they want however they want to. I curse the toes of anyone who says that someone isn't writing correctly! Unless they're wrting lyk this bcuz then thats axeptable.

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